If reaching old age becomes the norm, this has consequences for the understanding of health and illness. Does this mean, for example, that we stay healthy longer or that we are sick longer? There is already an ongoing discussion in science on these questions. At the same time, ideas of solidarity and justice are changing in an ageing society - both in the different generations and in cultures and religions. The research project therefore wanted to generate reliable knowledge about the value structure and the development of norms in an ageing society characterised by diversity and mechanisation.

The aim was to develop a context-sensitive matrix model that defines the following concepts and dimensions: Health and illness, solidarity and justice along the dimensions of ageing, diversity and mechanisation. A normatively based catalogue of criteria was derived from the matrix model. This catalogue is intended to serve as a practice-oriented basis for health policy and those working in the health sector to analyse, design and evaluate the framework conditions of health care in a demographically changing society.

Methodology: The conceptual-normative research part (research matrix) took into account different ethical discourse traditions and ideological patterns of justification. The collaborative-empirical research part (future dialogue) focused on inter- and transdisciplinary exchange in order to jointly develop future-oriented recommendations for action and guidance.