In the field of forces of the interaction of global megatrends, we are currently experiencing the reinvention of mobility. Ecological risks, the growing scarcity of space and the new digital technological possibilities are creating a rapidly changing market dynamic in the field of "new mobility". The dynamic, disruptive, contingent - and thus risky for Germany as a business location and its mobility industry as a whole - global transformation of mobility is now encountering a long-lasting regional transformation dynamic and specific socio-economic path dependencies in NRW, particularly in the Ruhr region, especially on the fossil energy supply industry. of the affected people's sense of justice, it is better to turn "transformation by disaster" into "transformation by design". NRW could thus also become a testing ground and regional innovation laboratory for successful sustainability transformations throughout Germany and Europe.1 The attraction of regional considerations and scenarios lies in their immediacy, concreteness and feasibility on the ground. Problems, analysis and actors are closely linked in a quasi-neighbourly mindset of the region. In other words: Transformation takes place on the ground and in the region. And it is only there that it can lead to new participatory arrangements between municipal and regional politics and civil society. With special consideration © IZT / Kerstin Jana Kater Prof. Dr. Stephan Rammler is scientific director of the IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment. The mobility expert is the author of the books "Volk ohne Wagen" and "Schubumkehr". Since 2002 he has held a professorship for Transportation Design & Social Sciences at the HBK Braunschweig. The aim of this policy paper is to develop recommendations for a socially just, ecologically successful and economically effective and affordable mobility transition in North Rhine-Westphalia. To this end, the NRW-specific analysis of the regional status quo is embedded in global development dynamics that have a strong impact on NRW and the Ruhr region today and in the future.
Rammler, Stephan; Kollosche, Ingo; Breitkreuz, Anna
Fields of research

Energy, climate and infrastructure