Stationary energy storage systems are a necessary component of a future power supply system with high shares of renewable energies. Used in decentralised industrial applications, they help to increase resource efficiency and at the same time minimise the costs of electricity supply. Storage solutions for the short to medium-term storage of electrical energy are therefore seen as a contribution to the medium to long-term success of the energy transition being driven forward in Germany. The results of the ecological and economic comparative calculation illustrate the need for further development of energy storage technologies for this application. Under the current framework conditions, investing in stationary energy storage technologies is not yet economical for SMEs if they are to be used to minimise peak loads in the electricity grid. In terms of energy and resource efficiency, the energy storage systems in the application considered here have no advantages over direct energy procurement from the public supply grid. Due to the high conversion losses, the integration of electrical energy storage at the level of the operational low-voltage grid does not make sense. A positive ecological and economic effect will only come about through the utilisation of further technical possibilities for improving efficiency and exploiting dissipative process energies (e.g. braking energy). To this end, there is a need for further research and development of appropriate technologies.
Köhler, Andreas R.; Baron, Yifaat; Bulach, Winfried; Heinemann, Christoph; Vogel, Moritz; Behrendt, Siegfried; Degel, Melanie; Krauß, Norbert; Buchert, Matthias