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2024 04 30 final report fosinko izt title page
Final report FoSInKo
Impact assessment and dissemination potential of social innovations for sustainable consumption - a BMBF research project | FKZ 16INS104A
AuthorsDegel, Melanie; Göll, Edgar; Ludwig, Katrin; Steiner, Paula; Sievi, Marguerite; Fülling, Dr Julia; Harms, Carlotta; Kraudi, Anne; Vogt, Moritz
Year of publication2024
FoSinKo Publication
Working together & making change visible
AuthorsDegel, Melanie; Ludwig, Katrin; Fülling, Julia; Harms, Carlotta; Steiner, Paula; Kraudi, Anne
Year of publication2025
izt publication making the impact of repair cafés, foodsharing and co. visible
Making the impact of repair cafés, food sharing and the like visible
Concept for monitoring social innovations for sustainable consumption
AuthorsFülling, Julia; Degel, Melanie; Ludwig, Katrin; Harms, Carlotta; Steiner, Paula; Kraudi, Anne
Year of publication2024
pubilikation title page transformation roadmap management summary.pdf
Transformation roadmap prospects for agricultural technology 2050
New requirements, future markets and disruptions
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Henseling, Christine; Opponent, Kathrin
Year of publication2024
2024 09 23 publication the future of business reporting front page
The future of economic reporting
Ecosystem services and biodiversity in government and corporate balance sheets
AuthorsGrunewald, Karsten; Zieschank, Roland; Forester, Johannes; Hansjürgens, Bernd; Wildner, Tobias M.
Year of publication2024
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