
Under News you will find the latest news on projects, events and publications and news from the IZT.

News from the IZT
fosinko publication


FoSInKo: New results brochure published

A proposal for monitoring social innovations for sustainable consumption

izt publication making the effects of repaircafes foodsharing and co visible


New results paper published

Making the effects of repair cafés, food sharing and the like visible

 izt news economic factor natural capital
© Jörg Farys/BNW


Natural capital as an economic factor

The 2024 annual conference took place on 30 October

 izt messages bio mo d


Plea for annual prosperity report

Roland Zieschank as a guest of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Sustainable Development

izt publication konnekt


New results brochure published

Two articles were published as part of the Konnekt project

biomod izt message
Johannes Förster


New directive is a huge opportunity for companies

Bio-Mo-D invited to economic policy evening / Discussion with MPs

message empowerplan


Dialogue event with State Secretary Michael Kellner

Challenges in the regional implementation of federal energy transition targets

announcement ta in dialogue event
© Enjoy/Adobe Stock (generated with AI)


TA in dialogue

Invitation to the event "TA in dialogue - Sustainable water management in agriculture"

message empowerplan



Invitation to the final digital conference on 28 November 2024

new research report


New publication by Springer-Verlag

The future of economic reporting

report future workshops innovative solutions for the mobile elbe valley izt report


Innovative solutions for the Mobile Elbe Valley

Invitation to the digital kick-off of future workshops on 5 December 2024

message bio mo d (2)


Biodiversity as the basis for social prosperity

New forms of reporting On 10 October 2024 in Berlin

messages citizens' dialogue on nuclear energy
Günter Zint/Gorleben Archiv e.V.


Citizens' dialogue on nuclear energy

Invitation to the closing event on 15 October 2024 in Berlin

2024 09 27 notification biomod


Bio-Mo-D final conference

How economic reporting must change in order to preserve biodiversity

future conference on sustainable and resilient mobility in the elbe valley


Press Release

Future conference on sustainable and resilient mobility in the Elbe Valley

agro northwest transformation roadmap


Current research report

Agro-Northwest Transformation Roadmap. Prospects for agricultural technology in 2050.

izt publications (1)


Research report published

Energy sharing in Germany - from concept to realisation in the energy industry

banner poppies


Potential for agriculture

Discussion event on reporting on ecosystem services

bio mo d final conference el


Increasing society's appreciation of biodiversity

Invitation to the final conference on 10 September 2024 in Berlin

bilress conference


BilRess network conference

The 21st network conference took place in Frankfurt on 24 September

network conference region as campus(1)


Elbe Valley: Region as a campus

The network conference took place on 26 September 2024 at the Kulturbahnhof Hitzacker

crisis radar


New TAB study published

Crisis radar - strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy through crisis forecasting

invitation to the future conference


Elbe Valley: Laboratory of the future

The Future Conference took place in Ludwigslust on 10 September 2024

izt website jugend forscht sondepreis


Meeting of the Jugend forscht award winners

Special prize on the topic of "Resource efficiency" in Berlin

future conference on sustainable and resilient mobility in the elbe valley


Save the Date

Future conference on sustainable and resilient mobility on 10 September 2024 in Ludwigslust

 izt website empowerplan


4th Regional Energy Conference

Utilising the opportunities of the energy transition - shaping the future together

bio mo d final conference el


Appreciation of biodiversity

Save the Date: Final conference on 10 September 2024 in Berlin

Citizens' dialogue on nuclear energy
© kina becker


Research report published

Citizens' dialogue on nuclear energy (1974-1983) - State action in the debate on nuclear waste disposal

empowerplan berlin energy days website


Berlin ENERGY DAYS 2024

A successful discussion round was held on the topic of energy sharing

 bilress website long (1500 x 540 px)


The new BilRess brochure is online

Shaping resource education in Germany - institutions, initiatives and projects.

group picture1 siegburg
© IOER/Steffen Schwarz


Review of the conference "Ecosystem Accounting in Germany" 2023

Publication of the conference report with insights into the Bio-Mo-D project.

workshop community of practice 2024


Inclusion of biodiversity and ecosystem services in decision-making

Kick-off event for the establishment of a 'Community of Practice'.

Symposium on social digitalisation


Symposium on social digitalisation

Michaela Evers-Wölk and Maren Eickhoff from the IZT will take part in the event with a presentation.

 futurium website


Event at Futurium, Berlin

Dating Democracy #8: A look into the crystal ball with Ingo Kollosche

empowerplan presentation tool


Presentation of the EmPowerPlan project

First draft of the sub-regional plan for renewable energies

e mobilbw resilient mobility in baden wuerttemberg
© e-mobil BW /Nadja Hirt


Resilience in the mobility of tomorrow

New study highlights potential for strengthening the electrified and digital mobility system

climate council school didacta 2024


KlimaRatSchule at the didacta 2024 in Cologne

Thank you for your visit!

roadmap water management 2030


Roadmap 2030

Action agenda for sustainable water management

foresight report


Transformation roadmap: Future prospects for agricultural technology

Foresight report Drivers, discourses and transformation scenarios

look into the tool


Presentation of the EmPowerPlan project

Dialogue for sustainable regional development

bio mo d (1500 × 540 px)


Event announcement

Register now for the conference on 29 and 30 November 2023

climate school call for applications (1500 × 540 px)


Invitation to tender

Evaluation of the measures and results of the "KlimaRatSchule" project - SWH



Invitation to the CO:DINA closing event on 07 October 2023

System change by sustainable design or digital disruption?

Student assistant in the research area education and digital media


Student assistant wanted in the research area Education and Digital Media

The focus of the position is the collaboration in the KlimaRatSchule project.

 interview friderike ruge


Friederike Ruge in an interview with Women in Mobilty

As mobiliser of the week, Friederike Ruge was interviewed on the topic of mobility research and diversity.

workshop berlin
© Christa Beckmann


Workshop: Synergies between corporate and national reporting on biodiversity

Bio-Mo-D invited representatives from companies, federal ministries, federal agencies and nature conservation associations.

morejblossom 2021 trebbin
© Anna Lena Hottendorff


Species conservation in modern agriculture

Bio-Mo-D with insights into the BASF farm network and biodiversity measures in practice.

Regional network meeting


Regional network meeting and the future workshop "Naturally: Building & Renovating"

The regional network meeting and the future workshop "Naturally: Building & Renovating" - exchange and results.

group b tailored


Workshop with the Oderland-Spree regional planning centre

The workshop set guidelines for digitally supported regional planning

transfer 20 june (izt website news)


The IZT welcomes Professor Rammler in his new role

Prof. Dr Stephan Rammler has resigned from his position as Scientific Director.



Contribution to the online platform Energy Future in Dialogue (Energy & Climate Protection Foundation)

Reaching the goal with a plan - EmPowerPlan: Regional planning for the energy transition

Invitation: Regional Network Meeting "Region as Campus" + Future Workshop "Naturally: Building & Renovating" WHEN? Thu, 6.7.2023, 1-6pm WHERE? Eldenland Island Factory | Str. des Friedens 10 | 19294 Neu Kaliß


Regional network meeting "Region as Campus" in Elbe Valley

The regional network meeting and the future workshop "Naturally: Building & Renovating" took place on 6 July.



Poster pitch at the 1st Symposium of the Energy Research Networks

The Empowerplan project was presented

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19th BilRess Network Conference

On 19 September, the 19th Bilress Network Conference took place on the topic of "Resource Conservation and Resource Efficiency in Health Care".

job advertisement personnel clerk (mwd)


Job advertisement: Personnel Administration (m/f/d)

The IZT is looking for support in the area of human resources as of July

District Administrator Dagmar Schulz together with professors at the end of the first day of the event at Werkhof Kukate


The Elbe Valley "Region as Campus

Meeting of professors, the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg, the Green Workshop Wendland and the IZT

pa bbne ak


Final conference of the Project Agency Vocational Training for Sustainable Development

A short review and impressions of the PA-BBNE final conference on 20 March 2023

pa bbne header


Final conference of the Project Agency Vocational Training for Sustainable Development

On 20.03.2023, the results of the project were presented in Berlin and discussed with the participants.

Algorithms in digital media and their influence on opinion forming


Influence of algorithms in digital media on opinion formation - recording of the debate in the Bundestag

The Bundestag deliberated on the TAB report on Friday, 10.02.23, from 13:10.

21st BilRess Web Seminar: Makerspaces make (high) school Date: 14 February 2023 Time: 14:00 - 15:30


21st BilRess web seminar: Makerspaces make (high) school

We talked to Ecomaker about open workshops as a place of learning and levels of difficulty in sustainable product design.

Zukunftsforum Ecornet 24.01.2023 | 18:00 | Berlin & Livestream Between pressure to act and future orientation: mission and perspectives of sustainability research


Ecornet Future Forum on 24 January 2023 from 6 pm

What are the future mission and perspectives of sustainability research? The Ecornet research network invited.

tab report 204 message


Algorithms in digital media and their influence on opinion formation. Final report on the TA project.

TAB Working Report No. 204 explains interrelationships, highlights challenges, scientific findings and the legal framework.

20th BilRess web seminar: Resource-conscious use of clothing and shoes Date: 24 January 2023 Time: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.


20th BilRess web seminar: Resource-conscious use of clothing and shoes

Together with the consumer advice centre NRW, the consequences of the global textile industry, educational measures and possible incentives were discussed.


Digitisation in the field - the Agro-Nordwest experimental field goes into overtime

The project tests digitalisation possibilities in agriculture and focuses on farmers and farms.


Bio-Mo-D to the World Biodiversity Conference CBD COP 15 in Montréal

Scientists call for a rethinking of economic reporting to pay more attention to nature's achievements.


Konnekt - regional circular economy as a driver for innovation

In the Saarlouis district, inter-municipal cooperation and transformation serves as the basis for regional circular economy and sustainable regional development.


KlimaRatSchule - Protecting the climate through democratic participation in schools

The joint project aims at an active climate protection culture in schools and develops individual roadmaps to climate neutrality.


New publications on digitisation and sustainability

The CO:DINA project explores new approaches for the sustainable design of the digital transformation.


Energy Communities: Accelerators of the decentralised energy transition

The analysis explores how the diverse communities can strengthen the decentralised energy transition in the future.


Artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technology in public administration

Final report on the TA project summarises the status quo in Germany, socio-political fields of action and international practical examples.


Henriette Kiez Cruiser

The project analysed the acceptance and experience of new vehicle concepts at Hermannplatz in Berlin.