Potential for agriculture

Modernised economic reporting that also integrates data on natural capital can lead to greater awareness of the contribution that biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) make to our social well-being. The Bio-Mo-D researchers from the Institute for Future Technologies and Technology Assessment (IZT) therefore invited representatives from the agricultural and food industry, environmental organisations and science to a discussion in April this year on the topic of "Information about ecosystems and their services: Opportunities and challenges for agriculture" invited.
The focus was on the new political and legal developments regarding reporting systems on ecosystem services in Germany. This is because the new information systems will also bring opportunities and challenges for the transformation of agriculture in the future. Ultimately, the scientists at Bio-Mo-D see this as an opportunity to reduce risks for the agricultural sector and our prosperity.
The aim of the discussion round was to enter into dialogue with stakeholders from the various sectors and to obtain information on how the potential of current developments for the integration of ecosystem service data into economic reports for the agricultural sector can be exploited. The central concern of the focus group is to involve the stakeholder perspective more closely in the research work: