Sexuality in men's education work
In: Practical Handbook on Sexual Education in Adulthood
Even in adulthood, one's own "becoming sexual" is not complete: It continues to develop in a more or less self-determined way in the wake of biographical experiences, in the context of changing life worlds. The practical handbook addresses such experiences and sheds light on informal as well as consciously intended processes of sexual education in individual fields of action, at specific event locations, with different target groups and event formats. Qualification paths for adult educators working in this field are taken into account, as well as the cultural framing of everything sexual. The authors are guided by the right to self-determination of sexual and gender identity and by the conviction that sexuality with its fertility, relationship, pleasure and identity aspects has different meanings for most adults depending on their age, life phase and self-concept.
Handke, Volker; Lenz, Hans-Joachim
Source information
Sexuality in men's education work
Volume 2. edition
Practical Handbook on Sexual Education in Adulthood
Year of publication
Beltz Juventa - Weinheim
Document type
Contribution In