Final conference of the Project Agency Vocational Training for Sustainable Development

As part of the project PA-BBNE "Project Agency Vocational Education for Sustainable Development" of the partner network Vocational Education at the IZT, around 75 internal and external employees have created accompanying materials on Vocational Education for Sustainable Development (VETSD) for a large number of training occupations in recent months. The dimensions of sustainability relevant to vocational training were taken into account. These impulse papers and further training materials offer suggestions for more sustainability in vocational education and training and make a concrete contribution in accordance with SDG 4 "Quality Education".
Last Monday, the extensive results of the project were presented at the well-attended final conference.
With a few impressions, we would like to thank our alert audience once again for the lively discussions!
However, all participants agreed that the importance of sustainable development for vocational training and the practice-oriented integration of aspects of social, ecological and economic sustainability in training institutions must be given greater focus in the future. In this sense, the PA-BBNE project took a big step in the right direction.
Over the next few weeks, the materials for 110 apprenticeship occupations will be made available step by step via the PA-BBNE web app: