Delphi surveys

Method description
The aim of Delphi processes is to combine the knowledge of different experts into a reliable common or clear forecast of the challenges and consequences of science and technology. The design of the classical Delphi method consists of at least two successive waves of interviews. The results of the previous wave are fed back to the members of the same expert group in a further survey wave. The survey is anonymous and usually conducted online. In contrast to statistical surveys, the selection of experts is not intended to be representative, but aims at professional competence and willingness to cooperate. In 2017, the IZT developed a tool for "real-time Delphi surveys" and began conducting Delphi surveys in real time.For Delphi processes, the IZT can access a comprehensive, also international network of experts from the fields of technology, business, science, society and politics. In addition, the IZT has extensive expertise in the formulation of precise and comprehensible questions as well as their evaluation and presentation.