Presentation of the EmPowerPlan project

Following the start of the practical phase of the EmPowerPlan project with the office of the Oderland-Spree Regional Planning Community, the project team presented the project idea to other planning stakeholders for the first time at the 3rd Regional Planning and Regional Development Committee meeting on 21 November 2023. The core idea of the digital, interactive planning tool is to enter into a dialogue with regional planning stakeholders. The tool is intended to help highlight energy systemic interrelationships. The project not only provides technical support, but also accompanies the process surrounding the tool from a social science perspective. Those present asked questions about how the tool works and how it can be integrated into the planning process. The project also received helpful feedback from those present after the event. On this basis, we are continuing to work on the tool and are preparing for the upcoming practical workshops.
We would like to thank the Regional Committee and all guests for their interest and participation and look forward to attending the Regional Assembly in January 2024.