Dr Roland Nolte
Managing Director

The person
Dr. Roland Nolte has worked as a researcher at the IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment since 1993 and as Managing Director since 2001.
He conducts research on environmentally compatible mobility, telematics applications in the transport sector, sustainable development and environmental strategies for companies. Among other things, rail transport research is a focus of his scientific work.
One lighthouse is its research and advisory work in the field of adapting transport infrastructure to climate change. For example, in the area of rail transport, the systemic view of the railways is in the foreground.
After studying theoretical physics, he completed his doctorate on the theory of the quantum Hall effect in 1992 at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey.
- Mobility
- Policy advice
- Technology assessment, technology evaluation and sustainability assessments
- Future markets
- Future studies and foresight projects
Selected projects and publications
2019 - 2023
5G-VICTORI - Vertical demos over Common large scale field Trials for Rail, energy and media Industries
2019 - 2020
Mobility Foresight Study China & Germany. Within the framework of the BMU IKI-Project "Sino-German Cooperation on Low Carbon Transport" (CLCT)
2019 - 2020
TRISTRAM - TRansItion STRategy on vegetAtion Management
2018 - 2019
Study on the future of Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)
2018 - 2019
Mobility as a Service in the Graz City Region
2017 - 2022
Innovative Solutions in Future Stations, Energy Metering and Power Supply (In2Stempo)
Ukrainian Railways: Energy efficiency, energy policy and organisation
2017 - 2018
HERBIE - Comparative Evaluation of Vegetation Control and Management Methods for European Railways
5G VICTORI - Deliverable 3.7 5G VICTORI Use case assessment
Substitution as a strategy to reduce the criticality of raw materials for environmental technologies - potential identification for second-best solutions
HERBIE - Guidelines, State of the Art and Integrated Assessment of Weed Control and Management for Railways
New electronic media and potential dangers of excessive use
Integrated Roadmap III - Automation 2025+
Successful regional transformation processes - Possible futures for the Ruhr region
Study on Non-traction energy consumption and related CO2 emissions from the European railway sector - Final Report
Integrated Technology Roadmap Automation 2020+
Integrated Technology Roadmapping
Mobility and housing