Friederike Ruge

Social and Cultural Anthropology (M. A.)
Research field
Mobility and urbanityThe person
Friederike Ruge has been a researcher in the "Mobility & Urbanity" research team since April 2022.
Previously, she was already part of the team as a junior researcher and also worked in the field of internationalisation and science communication at the IZT. She was responsible for planning internal and external workshops and has in-depth knowledge of online moderation with innovative tools. She also ran the Institute's social media channels and external communication and is experienced in editing texts of all kinds as well as image and graphic editing.
She successfully completed her Master's degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Free University of Berlin in 2021. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Ethnology and Hispanic Studies at the Georg-August-University Göttingen until 2015. Her studies taught her the basics of qualitative social research, which she applied successfully and empathetically in field research.
Due to her regional focus, she spent extended periods in Latin America as part of her studies and career. Among other things, she completed a six-month internship in Human Resources and Interior and Exterior Design at Volkswagen de México in 2019. Thanks to her many years of experience abroad, Friederike Ruge brings with her a distinctive intercultural expertise.
She has several years of experience in the field of non-governmental organisations, especially in project and office management.
- Mobility
- Methods of qualitative social research
- Visual Anthropology
- Ethnological fieldwork
- Scenario processes and studies