Futurology and Transformation

Futures research at the IZT provides orientation knowledge. It deals with possible, probable and desirable future developments as well as their preconditions and design options. It counters uncertainties by pointing out different paths and designing alternative futures. At the societal level, it supports negotiation processes on the shaping of futures. It does all this on the basis of scientific knowledge, systematically and methodically.

One subject area of futurology is the transformation of complex systems - and probably the greatest transformation is the sustainable design of our world. Futurology can analyse and influence what this will look like by designing and communicating scenarios of a sustainable world and thus contributing to their realisation.

In this respect, futurology at the IZT is explicitly action- and implementation-oriented. Based on a transdisciplinary approach, it works across topics and research fields, integratively and with a focus on methods, in order to transform our modern society towards sustainability.


A selection of projects from the past five years is presented below. A complete overview is available via the search.

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2022 - 2023

Turning point: Scenarios for Germany's role in international relations in 2040

2020 - 2022

DIGNITY - Digital Transport in and for Society


Dit is Berlin! The capital and its living conditions

2015 - 2018

Evolution2Green - Transformation Pathways to the Green Economy: Shaping the Path Change


Environment and scenario analysis: The future of the global motorbike market in 2030

2014 - 2016

Berlin Sustainability Profile

2017 - 2018

NAT Thuringia

2016 - 2019

MENARA - Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: mapping geopolitical shifts, regional order and domestic transformations

2019 - 2020

T4 For Under 2° - The Global Foresight Project on Transforming Mobility by Mid-Century

2019 - 2020

Mobility Foresight Study China & Germany. Within the framework of the BMU IKI-Project "Sino-German Cooperation on Low Carbon Transport" (CLCT)

2018 - 2019

Study on the future of Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)


Future workshops at garden exhibition (IGA)

2017 - 2018

HERBIE - Comparative Evaluation of Vegetation Control and Management Methods for European Railways


Mobility services - employment, distribution effects, access opportunities

2017 - 2021

Trend radar resource policy: socio-economic and socio-cultural drivers of resource use and potentials of non-technical measures and instruments for resource conservation


Global trends and scenarios: Compass Agenda 2030. More Policies for Sustainable Development

2015 - 2018

Innovative Intelligent Rail - In2Rail

2020 - 2021

Resilient mobility - approaches for a crisis-proof and social transport system
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2022 - 2023

Scientific preparation and monitoring of four expert workshops on the topic of "mobility transition
region as campus preview

2023 - 2026

WE! - Elbe Valley: Region as a campus
dlg izt


School of the Future - Futures of Education. Transformation processes at schools in Germany
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2023 - 2024

Resilient mobility in Baden-Württemberg
izt project

2013 - 2015

Sustainability 2.0 - modernisation approaches to the guiding principle of sustainable development
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2013 - 2014

"How to keep the EU power sector on track to decarbonisation"
izt project

2012 - 2013

Conference and congress of the future
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Demographic change - challenges and recommendations for action for environmental protection and nature conservation
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2011 - 2012

Institutions and procedures of parliamentary sustainability policy (2nd phase) as part of the TA project "Sustainability and Parliaments"
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Overview of institutions and procedures of parliamentary sustainability policy
izt project

2022 - 2023

Shaping the mobility transition fairly - creating a genuine mobility offer for all with new municipal service structures
izt project

2022 - 2025

SF4S - Strategic Foresight for Sustainability
hiking on the elbe dyke in the wendland

2024 - 2027

Mobile Elbe Valley - future lab for resilient and sustainable mobility in rural areas