Ingo Kollosche

Research Manager

The person

Ingo Kollosche arbeitet seit Oktober 2018 am IZT. Als Leiter des Forschungsfelds „Zukunftsforschung & Transformation“ baut er die IZT-Forschung zur Mobilitätswende und Zukunftsstudien stetig aus.

He draws on an extensive fund of experience from various projects and subject areas. His expert knowledge with regard to dealing with transdisciplinary and socio-scientific issues, with participatory design projects and process moderation as well as with regard to practice-oriented and communication-oriented method development are based on many years of experience.

He was employed as a research assistant at the Chair of Integrated Transport Planning at the Technical University of Berlin from 2010 to 2017.

Ingo Kollosche has been active in the field of strategic foresight for more than 20 years. He has supported various institutions and organisations in a wide range of projects. For example, he worked as a facilitator for the companies Foresight Intelligence and TIBER Innovationsberatung.

From 2000 to 2009, he worked at the Society and Technology Research Group in Berlin (STRG), the futurology institute of Daimler AG, where he was responsible for trend creation, systematisation and communication as well as innovative methodological projects. He then worked in a public relations agency and in parallel took further training to become a PR consultant.

Ingo Kollosche studied Social Sciences at Humboldt University Berlin and Political Sciences at Duke University Durham.


  • Future studies, foresight projects and innovation workshops
  • Future markets
  • Technology design
  • Integrated roadmaps
  • City, infrastructure, mobility and resources