LogMySelf - Opportunities, risks and future of lifelogging and self-measurement in discourse with young people
The project aimed to introduce young people to the opportunities and risks of this global trend.
Measuring, logging and publishing personal health data yourself: This widespread phenomenon has been summarised under the term "lifelogging". The "LogMySelf" discourse project introduced 16 to 26-year-olds to the opportunities and risks of self-measurement in order to teach them skills in dealing with lifelogging. Not only data such as pulse rate or jogging distance was measured, but increasingly also emotional states such as happiness or sadness.
First, two pilot seminars were developed in the project. Subsequently, a toolbox with multimedia content was made available for school and out-of-school educational settings. At the same time, a representative survey among adolescents and young adults was planned to find out more information about lifelogging in this age group. A competition made young people's views on lifelogging better known.
Download contents
Moul 1: Introduction to the project topic LogMySelf
- Introduction and discussion questions
- Graphic "Aspects of self-tracking"
- Mini scenario "Points for life"
- Questions about Mini scenario "Points for life"
- Videos
Module 2: Opportunities and risks of self-measurement technologies
- Introduction and discussion questions
- Chart "Opportunities and risks"
- Mini scenario "In competition with the top performers"
- Questions about the mini scenario "In competition with the top performers"
- Videos
Module 3: Consumer protection and legal aspects
- Introduction and discussion questions
- Graphic Problem outline Self-tracking
- Graphic "Right to privacy"
- Mini scenario "Family planning at a glance"
- Questions about the mini scenario "Family planning at a glance"
- Videos
Module 4: Recapitulation of the topic of self-measurement
- Introduction and discussion questions
- Graphic "Future"
- Mini scenario "Self-determined living"
- Questions about the mini scenario "Self-determined living"
- Videos
More info
Project management
- Britta Oertel
- You Liong Thio
- Lynn Sibert
Fields of research
LogMySelf - Opportunities, risks and future of lifelogging and self-measurement in discourse with young people
2017 until 2019
Grant/contracting authority
Project partner
LogMySelf - Opportunities, risks and future of lifelogging and self-measurement in discourse with young people
2017 until 2019
Grant/contracting authority
Project partner
Fields of research
Project management
- Britta Oertel
- You Liong Thio
- You Liong Thio
- Lynn Sibert